Burkina Faso, Kenya, Senegal, Guatemala
Cooperative Development Program: Accelerating Growth and Inclusion in Lending for Credit Unions (CDP AGIL4CU)
October 2023 – September 2028
Project Overview
The Accelerating Growth and Inclusion in Lending for Credit Unions (AGIL4CU) Project is a five-year, $9.3 million initiative funded through the USAID Cooperative Development Program (CDP) in Burkina Faso, Kenya, Senegal and Guatemala.
The AGIL4CU Project (2023-2028) will advance credit unions’ ability to provide value to their members and contribute to the economic development of their communities, while extending business financing to underserved market segments, including women and youth.
AGIL4CU is designed to:
- improve credit union leaders’ strategic and technical capacity.
- increase the value of digital services for financial inclusion.
- expand on and emphasize streamlined micro-, small- and medium-enterprise (MSME) lending processes for economic growth.
- implement youth and women specific loan products.
- expand climate adaptive financing.
Building on the work of WOCCU’s USAID CDP Technology and Innovation for Financial Inclusion (TIFI) Program (2018-2024) in the same four countries, the AGIL4CU Project is being implement in close partnership with five local and regional credit union partners, contributing to USAID localization efforts. These partners include:
- Confédération des Institutions Financières de l’Afrique de l’Ouest (Confederation of Financial Institutions of West Africa, CIF) in Burkina Faso.
- The Kenyan Union of Savings and Credit Cooperatives (KUSCCO) in Kenya.
- Union des Mutuelles du Partenariat pour la Mobilisation de l'Epargne et du Crédit au Senegal (UM-PAMECAS) in Senegal.
- Federación Nacional de Cooperativas de Ahorro y Crédito (FENACOAC) in Guatemala.
Credit Unions in Burkina Faso
- 76 total credit unions
- 1.8 million members
- USD 272 million in loans
Credit Unions in Guatemala
- 25 total credit unions
- 2.5 million members
- USD 3.7 billion in assets
Credit Unions in Kenya
- 8,744 total credit unions
- 10.8 million members
- USD 21.8 billion in assets
Credit Unions in Senegal
- 118 total credit unions
- 3.8 million members
- USD 975 million in loans