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Pending Comment Letters

Your comments are extremely important to us to provide the best response by WOCCU to these regulatory proposals.

Listed below are all pending regulatory actions for which WOCCU intends to submit a Comment Letter. The listed date is the date by which Comments are due to the respective agency.  All Comment Letters filed by WOCCU can be viewed on the Comments & Position Papers tab. Comments filed by the European Network of Credit Unions can be found here.

Please be sure to provide us with your comments in advance of the Due Date so that we may include them in our Comment Letter.

Agency Pending Comment Letters Due Date

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European Council and Parliament Reach Provisional Agreement on European Green Bonds

Council of the European Union

On February 28, 2023, the European Council and European Parliament reached a provisional agreement on the creation of European Green Bonds (EuGB) as another step in its strategy to finance sustainable growth and “transition to a climate-neutral, resource-efficient economy”. It must be adopted by both institutions for finalization and will apply 12 months after it is entered into force. The green bonds will help issuers substantiate that the green projects they are funding are legitimate and supported by the EU taxonomy, as well as to reduce greenwashing. National competent authorities of each member state will supervise the issuance of green bonds.

In addition to a registration system for the green bonds, a supervisory framework, and voluntary disclosure requirements, “This regulation lays down uniform requirements for issuers of bonds that wish to use the designation ‘European green bond’ or ‘EuGB’ for their environmentally sustainable bonds that are aligned with the EU taxonomy and made available to investors globally.” All proceeds will be invested in economic activities under the EU taxonomy. For sectors that are not covered by the taxonomy, specific activities will be subject to a 15% flexibility pocket.

More information on the green bonds provisional agreement is available here

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