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WOCCU Connects Financial Cooperatives from Kenya and Brazil

Reception celebration with song and dance
Reception celebration with song and dance
Adilson de Sá gives presentation on Sicredi's business model
Adilson de Sá gives presentation on Sicredi's business model
ACCOSCA delegation at Sicredi Campos Gerais and Grande Curitiba PR/SP
ACCOSCA delegation at Sicredi Campos Gerais and Grande Curitiba PR/SP
Thomas Belekevich, WOCCU Director of Member Services
Thomas Belekevich, WOCCU Director of Member Services

Driving the transformation of financial cooperation in Africa, Kenyan professionals affiliated with the African Confederation of Cooperative Savings and Credit Associations (ACCOSCA) participated in a Brazilian immersion program hosted by Sicredi and made possible by the World Council of Credit Unions’ (WOCCU) Global Bridges Program.

The visit brought together two WOCCU direct member organizations and included representatives from Kenya Police SACCO, who closely observed the innovative practices of Sicredi, the first financial cooperative institution in Brazil, and explored how these strategies could be applied in the African continent.

After a warm reception at Central Sicredi PR/SP/RJ in Curitiba, which included music and dancing, Reginaldo José Pedrão, Sicredi Director of Supervision, and Adilson de Sá, Sicredi Director of Development, led a presentation on Sicredi's business model, highlighting its distinct style of governance and the projects developed by the cooperatives in the communities they serve.

"The greatness of this meeting lies in the essence of cooperativism, which transcends borders and welcomes all, regardless of nationality. This exchange of experiences not only allows us to learn from other countries’ practices but also strengthens cooperativism on a global scale. At the end, we are all connected by a common cause,” said Pedrão. 

For Manfred Alfonso Dasenbrock, President of Central Sicredi PR/SP/RJ and a member of the WOCCU Board of Directors since 2009, this type of international collaboration is essential to strengthen credit cooperativism.

"Inter-cooperation between countries allows us to bring global practices and discussions to our local operations while simultaneously benefiting more people worldwide. Sicredi, with its firm commitment to cooperative principles, recognizes that sharing knowledge amplifies the positive impacts on the communities where it operates, promoting fairer and more sustainable development,” explained Dasenbrock.

Knowledge exchange

With a mission to promote financial inclusion and cooperative development, ACCOSCA works closely with its 28 member nations to strengthen the cooperative movement and advance the interests of Saving and Credit Cooperative Societies (SACCO) and their members.

ACCOSCA representatives said the immersion program will help them further accomplish their mission.

"It was a valuable exchange of knowledge, building lasting partnerships that we know will go far beyond this moment," said Grace Sharon Akinyi, Director of Programs and Business Development at ACCOSCA. "In Africa, we like to say we are one big family, and cooperativism reflects this idea. The way we work is similar, whether in Kenya, the United States or Brazil, which is recognized globally for its cooperative movement.”

To showcase the strength and local governance of its cooperatives, Sicredi Central organized visits to Sicredi Campos Gerais and Grande Curitiba PR/SP, headquartered in Ponta Grossa, and Sicredi Centro Sul PR/SC/RJ, based in Prudentópolis. 

In these regions, the delegation explored initiatives that directly impact members and promote community development, such as the "A União Faz a Vida" program, Sicredi's main social responsibility initiative aimed to assist schoolteachers.

For David Mategwa, President of the Kenya National Police SACCO, it became clear how the cooperative model can boost the local economy.

"We are thrilled with the experience we had in Brazil and are ready to share with our community the transformative power of cooperativism we experienced with Sicredi,” said Mategwa.

From Brazil to the World

Through visits with credit unions and meetings with industry leaders, WOCCU is helping to strengthen operations and the expand cooperative model for finance on a global scale.

For WOCCU’s Director of Member Services, Thomas Belekevich, this exchange between countries is intrinsically linked to the heart of the global cooperative movement and reflects the importance of sharing experiences.

"Seeing how Sicredi and its network of cooperatives are expanding access to financial services and positively impacting communities is truly inspiring. It demonstrates the potential for the cooperative model to connect people through finance and improve lives. Sicredi has so many relevant solutions to the shared challenges that financial cooperatives face in other regions, and so many opportunities now for us to adapt and replicate their success elsewhere,” said Belekevich.

By connecting practices and knowledge across continents, ACCOSCA's visit to Brazil brought a new perspective to global cooperativism.

"Sharing our experiences and learning from what others are doing is essential to promoting cooperativism," said Pedrão.

For those who crossed the ocean and are returning to their home countries, the connections made during the meetings were valuable.

"We came here to understand the Brazilian cooperative system, but we are returning with something even more important: practical knowledge and partnerships that will help improve the lives of our members in Africa,” said Grace. 

About Sicredi

Sicredi is a cooperative financial institution committed to the growth of its members and the development of the regions where it operates. It has a management model that values the participation of more than 8 million members, who act as business owners. With more than 2,700 branches, Sicredi has a physical presence in all Brazilian states and the Federal District, offering a complete range of financial and non-financial solutions.

Sicredi Website: Clique aqui
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ACCOSCA is a Pan-African confederation comprised of national associations of savings and credit cooperatives societies in 28 countries. ACCOSCA opened its doors in 1968 and is currently governed by domicile laws and the ACCOSCA constitution. It enjoys goodwill gestures from its members and other stakeholders keen on making Africa a better place to live.