Burkina Faso, Kenya, Senegal, Guatemala

Cooperative Development Program: Accelerating Growth and Inclusion in Lending for Credit Unions (CDP AGIL4CU)

October 2023 – September 2028

Project Overview

The Accelerating Growth and Inclusion in Lending for Credit Unions (AGIL4CU) Project is a five-year, $9.3 million initiative funded through the USAID Cooperative Development Program (CDP) in Burkina Faso, Kenya, Senegal and Guatemala.  

The AGIL4CU Project (2023-2028) will advance credit unions’ ability to provide value to their members and contribute to the economic development of their communities.

AGIL4CU is designed to

  • improve credit union leaders’ strategic and technical capacity. 
  • increase the value of digital services for financial inclusion.  
  • expand on and emphasize streamlined micro-, small- and medium-enterprise (MSME) lending processes for economic growth.

Building on the work of WOCCU’s USAID CDP Technology and Innovation for Financial Inclusion (TIFI) Program (2018-2024) in the same four countries, the AGIL4CU Project is being implement in close partnership with five local and regional credit union partners, contributing to USAID localization efforts. These partners include:

  • Confédération des Institutions Financières de l’Afrique de l’Ouest (Confederation of Financial Institutions of West Africa, CIF) in Burkina Faso.
  • The Kenyan Union of Savings and Credit Cooperatives (KUSCCO) in Kenya.
  • Union des Mutuelles du Partenariat pour la Mobilisation de l'Epargne et du Crédit au Senegal (UM-PAMECAS) in Senegal.
  • Federación Nacional de Cooperativas de Ahorro y Crédito (FENACOAC) in Guatemala.

The AGIL4CU Project continues WOCCU’s long tradition of partnering with USAID-CDP to improve cooperative financial institutions by providing value to their members and strengthening the social and economic development of their communities.

Credit Unions in Burkina Faso

  • 76 total credit unions
  • 1.8 million members
  • USD 272 million in loans

Credit Unions in Guatemala

  • 25 total credit unions
  • 2.5 million members
  • USD 3.7 billion in assets

Credit Unions in Kenya

  • 8,744 total credit unions
  • 10.8 million members
  • USD 21.8 billion in assets

Credit Unions in Senegal

  • 118 total credit unions
  • 3.8 million members
  • USD 975 million in loans
Funded by