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Pending Comment Letters

Your comments are extremely important to us to provide the best response by WOCCU to these regulatory proposals.

Listed below are all pending regulatory actions for which WOCCU intends to submit a Comment Letter. The listed date is the date by which Comments are due to the respective agency.  All Comment Letters filed by WOCCU can be viewed on the Comments & Position Papers tab. Comments filed by the European Network of Credit Unions can be found here.

Please be sure to provide us with your comments in advance of the Due Date so that we may include them in our Comment Letter.

Agency Pending Comment Letters Due Date

Recent News on our Competent Authorities


Aligning Operating Hours Across Jurisdictions Could Improve Cross-Border Payments

Bank of International Settlements

The Bank for International Settlements (BIS), Committee on Payments and Market Infrastructures (CPMI) released a report, Operational and technical considerations for extending and aligning payment system operating hours for cross-border payments: An analytical framework, to aid central banks and operators who plan to extend real-time gross settlement (RTGS) system operating hours with a systemic approach to render these services effectively. The report works in conjunction with the BIS May 2022 report, Extending and aligning payment system operating hours for cross-border payments. According to the report, “An extension and alignment of payment system operating hours across jurisdictions could help to speed up cross-border payments, especially between jurisdictions with significant time zone differences. It could also improve liquidity management, reduce settlement risk and enhance the performance of cross-border payment arrangements.”

While the 2022 report focused on three options for extending RTGS system operating hours to enhance for cross-border payments, including incremental increases in operating hours on current operating days, inclusion of current non-operating days, and extension to 24/7 operating hours, the 2023 report gives attention to current operating days as a short term strategy. Medium and long-term strategies are still under consideration.  

More information on BIS’ report on Operational and technical considerations for extending and aligning payment system operating hours for cross-border payments: An analytical framework, is available here.

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